Course Overview

Whether you are seeking to revamp and re-align your program, or you’re just starting your business, this workshop will help you create a welcoming and supportive space where you and your students can thrive!

Your dance classroom should be a happy place for all your students. A happy place means happy students who keep coming back. Creating a positive environment starts with you and extends to every aspect of how you communicate, function and interact, whether online or in person, with your student base.

Ultimately, you are the example and embodiment of the learning environment you want to create. And there are specific things you can implement and practice that will help you do that, while encouraging the same positive behaviors in students. We will examine teaching strategies, business practices and how the language we use to communicate our values and offerings influences student behavior and mindsets, and can deter or attract people to you.

Aligning Your Marketing with Your Offerings: You will have a chance to examine if your marketing communications are representative of you and your offerings, and in alignment with reality in the language of your target audience.

  • Bio
  • About
  • Class Descriptions
  • Photos
  • Venue

Business Practices: You will reflect on how your business practices affect the student experience and explore ways to enhance and improve key areas of efficiency and organization.

  • Professionalism
  • Registration
  • Class Policies
  • Student Surveys & Feedback

Teaching Strategies: You will review teaching methodology that nurtures a positive and welcoming learning environment while helping to develop your teaching skills.

  • Class Organization and Structure
  • Language of Instruction
  • Expectations of Behaviors and Skill Progression
  • Student Correction, Feedback & Evaluation
  • Embracing and Commanding Your Leadership Role

The advice and information in this workshop can ease the stresses of running a business. By using the specific strategies and language that attract like-minded students, they will in turn manifest the values that will flourish in your studio.

In this detailed workshop, you will learn how to create a positive drama-free learning environment that regulates itself, and in doing so, attracts students who are the right fit for you and your offerings.

Are you ready?

Continue to the Confidentiality Agreement and let’s get started!

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